
At Brick Genius, it is the love of everything LEGO that motivates all that we do. We try as much as possible to ensure that we source for you only the freshest news, rumors, and updates from the big LEGO universe. Whether you are a serious LEGO collector, a casual fan, or just curious about what goes on in the world of bricks, Brick Genius is here for your enlightenment and inspiration.

Having been a LEGO fan for most of my life, I know how frustrating it feels when one misses out on new sets or fails to get word in time about the retirement of favorite sets. That is why I created Brick Genius-so that one will never miss those thrilling releases.

At Brick Genius, we like to update you with the latest news about new LEGO sets, new LEGO themes, and give you some inside scoops. Our online platform is created for LEGO enthusiasts to converse, share ideas, and learn all things LEGO-from nostalgic classics to modern marvels.

Join now with Brick Genius to experience LEGO all over again.